Category Archives: Uncategorized

Chris Norbury & Linda Morrison (4-19-2024)

CHRIS NORBURY authors the Matt Lanier series, thrillers about a musician who constantly gets involved in intrigue. Much of the action takes places in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters, where Norbury spends much time solo canoeing. LINDA MORRISON is the author of … Continue reading

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Susan Thurston & James Bennets   (3-22-2024)

SUSAN THURSTON and JAMES BENNETTS joined Alan Miller in the first interview from our new studio in Eagan, on March 22, 2024. Susan is a return visitor, working on a new novel to follow her award-winning “Sister of Grendel,” which … Continue reading

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Mike Faricy and Christine Husom   (2-23-2024)

CHRISTINE HUSOM is a national best-selling author and has just published the 10th volume in her Winnebago County Mystery series, Deputy #714 is Down. She has also published four previous books and appeared on the first “Writers Corner” telecast. MIKE … Continue reading

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Chris Hewitt, Star Tribune     (1-19-2024)

Chris Hewitt, who has worked for the Pioneer Press and Star Tribune publications, is the Book Editor at the Star Tribune, where he also writes movie reviews. Chris gave an interesting interview with Alan, covering everything from the hundreds of … Continue reading

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Authors Carla Hagen and Susan Thurston   (11-17-2023)

Carla Hagen and Susan Thurston joined Alan Miller for the November program. Both are award-winning writers, and both have won the Midwest Independent Publisher Award in different years. Carla’s “Muskeg” is set in the 1930s and is localized. Susan’s epic, … Continue reading

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